TODO LO QUE NECESITA SABER: La importancia del piñón

Internationalization PineFlavour – Pine Nuts from Portugal

With the main objective of strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs in the Alentejo region, on 18-08-2016, the project Internationalization PineFlavour – Pine Nuts from Portugal with the code ALT20-01-0752-FEDER-019889 was approved for PineFlavour, Lda. Thus, through...

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Pine Nuts – a treasure of the Mediterranean diet

What is the Mediterranean diet? “The Mediterranean diet is based on the consumption of cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables, fish and extra virgin olive oil. The nutritional model of the Mediterranean diet is inspired by the traditional dietary patterns...

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Annual Seminar of the Row of Pine and PineNut

The Union of the Mediterranean Forest (UNAC) held on January 7, 2017 (Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m., at the Cine-Granadeiro – Municipal Auditorium, the Annual Seminar of the Row of Pine and PineNut. This event had as one of the objectives the promotion of pine and...

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FRUIT ATTRACTION is a fair with one of the most complete characteristics and with the forecast of more than 1,500 companies in the sector of the fruit and vegetable in its participation. Organized by IFEMA and FEPEX, it will open the doors from October 18 to 20, 2017...

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AgroPine 2016

From 18 to 20 May 2016, was held at CAP Auditorium, in INIAV facilities in Oeiras, Portugal, the 2nd international meeting dedicated to the stone pine. This event had as major goal to identify research strategies, needs, opportunities, among others, on the stone pine...

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As exportações aumentam na FRUIT LOGISTICA 2017

O número de reservas já ultrapassa o valor do evento anterior A política agrícola de Bruxelas está perante uma mudança de paradigma em relação à promoção de F&L. Até agora 70 por cento dos recursos financeiros eram utilizados no mercado intraeuropeu e 30 por cento...

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Portugal produz os melhores pinhões do mundo

O pinhão foi o segundo fruto seco mais exportado em 2013, a seguir à castanha, subindo para primeiro lugar se for incluído o valor da pinha, segundo um estudo da União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC). O relatório, que sintetiza os resultados do programa de...

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Pinhões a preço de ouro

Os frutos secos, como pinhões e nozes, estão a atingir este ano preços históricos, que chegam a ultrapassar os 100 euros por quilo. No caso dos pinhões, os tradicionais frutos secos da época e de longe os mais caros, os preços oscilam entre os 79 euros/kg e os 120...

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